Saturday, October 07, 2006

Gobble, Gobble...Turkey Time!

How is it, that when you tell yourself, that you will spend some time knitting, that you (or perhaps just I!!) end up surfing the net!! Well, I can't say that it is non-knitting related, I was checking out some of the knitting sites, and found, what looks to be, a great one skein scarf pattern. It is entitled "Athena". I am attempting to find something to work on, as I will be flying to the US this week, to meet up with my hubby, who will be at a conference. This seems to be just what I need!
Will keep you posted!
It is Thanksgiving Weekend here in Canada, turkey time! Although, my husband will be away, and my sister and her new husband will be working - so I don't see the need to cook a huge dinner for just my son and I - when (as he is 4) would much prefer a peanut butter sandwich to anything at the moment!!!!
The weather is georgeous, sun is shining, and it is expected to get up to about 70 degrees tomorrow -- but I WILL be knitting, most of the chores are already done for the weekend, and my business is closed, so .......just time to relax!!
I hope you have a great weekend, I will try to post before going away, but will be back the week of the 16th, so that will probably be my next entry - I am aiming for pics of my getaway!!!

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