As for today, its Canada's Birthday here, so "Happy Canada Day" to all Canadians from coast to coast, and all expats around the world! This is also a special day for me, as 20 years ago today, I became a Canadian Citizen! My mum, dad and I emigrated from the UK in 1981, and became citizens in 1987 -- my little sister came into the world in 1983! I can remember so clearly the day we arrived in Canada, as well as the Citizenship ceremony, just a little sad today as I don't have my Mum and Dad to share it with.
As for the knitting....well, look at what I made!
He took a little while, but it was worth it to sit back and look at him in the end! He is from the book "Knitted Toys". and I would recommed this book for anyone who wants to make a knitted toy. He is for my new nephew, to go on a shelf in his room, I gave it to my sister tonight, and she was thrilled!
I also made this, and it has a little bit of a story to it:
My Mum was able to knit half of the back before she put it down, and left it alone! So I finished the back, and went from there. The cool thing about this cardi is that there is a line across the back where the needle had been left for 5 years, so this was a little special for my sister and I. I tried to take a pic:
Actually, (this makes is look quite dirty!), you can kind of see the line along the middle of the back.
I have also knit 2 Kimonos and a "Baseball Sweater" from "Knit2Together" that I have finished, and will photograph tomorrow, as they are still drying!!
So there you go, I HAVE been busy knitting!! I have also been reading other knitters blogs constantly, and love to see what everyone else is doing, lace seems to be the big thing!
We are going on vacation this week for 10 days, so I hope to visit many yarn stores on the US east coast!! Exciting!! Can't wait!
Talk Soon! Happy Knitting!!
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